
Moody’s to Begin Implementing ESG Score Predictor on Companies That Won’t Comply

Last month, credit rating company, Moody’s, announced that they are developing a tool to give “predicted, environmental, social and governance (ESG) scores for millions of public and private small and medium sized enterprises worldwide. Companies that have never even filed an ESG report because they want nothing to do with this new scoring system that […]

The Most Important Step to a Marxist Utopia: The Elimination of Private Property

In the Communist manifesto, Karl Marx and Frederick Engles listed 10 steps that countries needed to take to achieve a communist utopia. Check out this list and then pay attention to the news for a week and see how many of these are already happening. “Free education for all children in public schools.” “Centralization of […]

The Federal Government’s Massive Land Grab and Your Private Property

Whether it’s drug manufacturers coming up with a new lifesaving drug, you inventing something that is going to make life easier or you just wanting to own a few acres, private property is the foundation of a free society and we are now on track to lose that within the next decade. A few days […]

The Great American Reset of Private Property

The Biden administration recently announced that they support seeking a waiver to suspend Patents on vaccines. This waiver would suspend intellectual private property rights and would allow drug manufacturers around the globe to learn how the vaccine was made so that they could also make a vaccine to fight covid-19. Like always, we are told […]

The Great Reset of Energy

For the past six months I have been writing extensively about what is coming with the Great Reset. Under this “Great Reset”, everything is going to change from what you eat, to what you own, to what companies you invest in to what kind of energy you use. Over the next few years, things are […]

The “S” in Your New ESG Score: Go Woke or Go Broke

Over the last few months I have been explaining what is coming with the new Great Reset that is already being implemented in the banks and it will soon effect every aspect of your life. You will soon be living under a new credit score system that is eerily similar to the system that China […]

The Real Reason Behind the Lockdowns Last Spring

The longer these lockdowns go, the more suspicious I am becoming of the motivation behind the lockdowns. Is this really about a virus with a 99.7% survival rate or is there more behind them? And are they just about Governors like Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer and Tom Wolf who just want to act […]

The Collapse of the Dollar and the New USD Coin

Since the 1960’s the United States government has spent more than $20 trillion on the war on poverty. $20 trillion! That is quadruple the amount of every war that the United States has ever fought in, combined. And what do we have to show for it? Absolutely nothing. Poverty rates have changed very little since […]

What You Need to Know About Event 201: A Global Pandemic Exercise

In October 2019, just six weeks before coronavirus cases began popping up in China, world leaders met for an event that they call Event 201. Absolutely everything about this virus was war-gamed at this meeting. You can find all of it on their own website Health officials, government leaders and business leaders from all […]

Your Bank and Operation Chokepoint 2.0

To explain how we got to Operation Chokepoint 2.0, we need to go back to 2013 and lay the groundwork for what is currently happening and where we are headed.  Back in 2013, the Obama administration started Operation Chokepoint. According to Forbes, this was an effort by the Obama Administration to “freeze politically disfavored businesses […]