
Poll: Nearly Half of Democrats Want Jailtime for Those that Question Vaccines

Just when you think things can’t get any more insane, you read stuff like this headline. This month, a poll was conducted by Rasmussen that shows some alarming numbers. 78% of Democrats support the vaccine mandate. 55% of Democrats want unvaccinated Americans fined. 59% want a new program to lock up the unvaccinated in their […]

The Enemy of the People

I was really bothered when Donald Trump called the media “The enemy of the people” in February 2017. Of course the media went ballistic like they always do whenever Donald Trump says or does anything. He was accused of being a “fascist” by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. CNN President Jeff Zucker slammed the White House over their […]

New University Dedicated to Teaching Accurate History Launching in Austin

Back in the early 1900s, Progressives formulated a plan to take over the schools because they knew that if you can fundamentally change the minds of the youth, you can fundamentally transform the country. Everything you are seeing happening in the country today is the result of Progressives taking over the schools and poisoning the […]

Kyle Rittenhouse Found ‘Not Guility’ and Should Sue for Slander

Yesterday, after four days of deliberations, the verdict is in for Kyle Rittenhouse and he was found ‘Not guilty’ on all 5 counts. Count 1: First degree reckless homicide: If found guility, Kyle could have faced up to 60 years in prison and an additional five years for using a dangerous weapon. To convict, the […]

Florida to Vote on Kicking OSHA Out of State

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is considering kicking OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) out of the state and replacing it with a new state run government agency due to the Biden administration unconstitutional and authoritarian vaccine mandate. While I’m sure it will cause some problems temporarily between Florida and the Federal government, this is absolutely […]

Is it Time for a National Divorce?

We use to have principles such as the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights that we were able to unite on. We may be on different sides of the political isle but there were still basic principles that we were able to come together on. But do we still have any common principles? […]

Historic Wins for GOP in 2021 Election

The election results from Tuesday was an historic win for the GOP. Virginia’s Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General will now be run by Republicans. Republicans have also taken control of Virginia’s house of delegates, including flipping a house seat that was majority black and Democrat. It wasn’t just Virginia where Republicans had an extremely […]

The Way We Take Our Country Back

Last week, Southwest Airlines was forced to cancel 2,000 flights. This was about half of the flights scheduled for departure that weekend. They blamed most of these cancelations on the weather, but strangely no other airline was effected nearly this much. I guess the weather only effects this one airline and that Southwest can no […]

US Government Orders Google To Turn Over Search Results

A new report reveals that the US Government has secretly ordered Google to turn over data on some search results. Very few of these warrants are made public, but after this warrant was accidentally released, we now know that these requests have been happening far more often than we are lead to believe. This warrant […]