
National Archives puts warning label on Constitution, Declaration of Independence, other founding documents

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has now determined that founding documents such as the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and other important documents need to have a warning label because of it’s “harmful” and “difficult” content for some people. The documents we are now told reflect “outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and […]

9/11/01: Never Forget

Today marks 20 years since the worst attack on American soil. An attack that took the lives of 3,000 Americans. A day that anyone who is my age and older will never forget. A day that we will always remember exactly where we were and what we were doing. But let us never forget what […]

Biden Administration’s New Domestic Terror Threat: YOU

Under President Woodrow Wilson, the Justice Department formed what was known as the American Protective League. This new league was designed to allow the Justice Department to root out those that were helping the enemy, the Germans. They listened in on the phone calls of American citizens and even went through their mail. By 1918, […]

The New Domestic Terror Threat and What’s Coming

The Biden administration is working quickly to redefine domestic terrorism. They use the “insurrection” on January 6th as proof that “right wing extremists” need to be added to that list. The Biden administration and those on the far left are trying desperately to paint all Conservatives as “extremists” and “dangerous to “our democracy” and have […]

Apple to Start Searching Phones for Child Porn and What’s Next

Apple recently announced that they will start scanning phones for child porn. Apple will start scanning all of the photos in your phone, anywhere in the world. This technology we are told will only scan your phone for faces and will only flag the photos with a face. Those photos will then be reviewed and […]

January 6th and the Coming War of Terror

In January, the Department of Homeland Security issued their first terror bulletin since the death of the Iranian Quds Force Commander Qasem-Soleimani in January 2020. This bulletin wasn’t issued because of Iran or Al-Qaeda or some other known terrorist group. This terror bulletin was issued because of “right-wing extremism”. The terror bulletin warned about “individuals […]

CRT: A Virus Far More Deadly to Your Children

You must be informed with what is being taught in your children’s school and I would argue that you should consider withdrawing them from public school if you are able to. I don’t know why Conservatives are suddenly pushing for public schools to be reopened. Sure, the spread of COVID is almost non existent among […]

Biden Administration Casts Doubt that ‘Russian Bounty’ Story Happened

Remember the story that came out during the 2020 election that Russia put a bounty on the heads of U.S. soldiers and that Trump did nothing about it? Well, it turns out that that story wasn’t exactly true.  Last week, a senior Biden administration official stated that the intelligence community confidence in the story that […]

The Facts About “Assault Weapons” in America

Every time there is a mass shooting we are told that we must act right now to prevent another mass shooting. Okay, well maybe that isn’t completely true. When the media and the Left can make the shooting about race, they’ll make it about race and not the gun like they did after the shooting […]