
The Facts About “Assault Weapons” in America

Every time there is a mass shooting we are told that we must act right now to prevent another mass shooting. Okay, well maybe that isn’t completely true. When the media and the Left can make the shooting about race, they’ll make it about race and not the gun like they did after the shooting […]

San Francisco City Officials Calling for Violence Against NRA Members?

On September 3rd, the city of San Francisco formally adopted a resolution declaring the National Rifle Organization a “terrorist organization”. According to the District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani “the National Rifle Association spreads propaganda that misinforms and aims to deceive the public about the dangers of gun violence.” Stefani believes that the reason the NRA […]

Pennsylvania Governor Calls for New Gun Laws

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf didn’t waste any time in calling for stricter gun laws this past August, after a gunman shot six police officers in Philadelphia. While speaking at a ceremony at the Capitol, he called on legislators to pass new gun laws to curb gun violence, signed an executive order to create a new […]